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FAQ: EBC Closedloop

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:28 pm
by z31
Closed Loop EBC Before I even get into how to setup this feature, I'd like to give you some background info first. With this new feature any and all boost controllers will not be needed. When this feature is engaged and working properly it will outshine even the most expensive boost controllers on the market today. This feature is totally user definable and the only thing that will hinder it is the wrong setup. This feature is based around a PID controller. For further info on PID click > *****First and foremost, before you enable or even think about using this function go to your boost cut and set accordingly. Leave this on at all times.****** Also note that under Electronic Boost Controller Settings in the Ebc Activation Input box there's a box to check disable Ebc if DTC code or lean condition. I highly suggest you also enable/select/check this also. I know this seems pretty straight forward, but if it's not stated then someone will miss it.... Ok the first step is to follow Xenocron's writeup to correctly set up all your tables. These must all be filled out in order to use the closedloop to it's fullest. ... eptune.htm Please follow this setup as it is very well thought out and explains exact steps. Now this finally brings us to our closed loop. Closed loop is going to do exactly as it says. It's going to attempt to hit our target set boost with the inputed parameters that you supply. What I mean by this is, as your driving along you floor it, instantly your going to shoot up towards your target boost (that you set in your gear or rpm target maps)if for any reason you undershoot or overshoot your target, your closed loop compensation will adjust your dc% back to your target boost. This brings us to our Closed loop compensation maps Image Here you will see your target error vs duty adjustment table and graph. This had been setup quite nicely for you already all you need to to is change your correction P box to change the entire table in a liner fashion. The reset psi error will be your window of adjustment that you set. Start with your correction P at .25 which is already selected for you by default. Your correction P will be used like a gain knob/setting on most commercial boost controllers. Also you'll notice that the numbers aren't that high in the duty adjustment% that's fine and actually correct. You want small adjustments, the program will do the rest for you. I will give an example later. Next brings us to our Electronic boost controller settings page/tab. Here you see the Closeloop Feedback settings box/window. See the Closeloop Feedback box? Check it (enable closedloop). Under this you will see the Overboost senitivity adjustment slider. You want a low number (fast reaction time) here as this is in mSec, I personally use 50mSec. This is up to you but make sure it's in the lower range. You do not want to overboost and hit your boost cut before closedloop takes over. You also see the closeloop adj min this is your control over how much you want to let the routine correct in a -% wise. Underboost is the same thing as your overboost except in the opposite direction of course. The sensitivity slider should be a high number (slower reaction) here or close to the left side of the slider. It's ok to underboost you'll just make corrections to the Correction P on your compenstation maps (you'll raise it to a higher number like .50 and try again). You also have an adjustment max which should also be a positive number and it'll be the max dc% duty the routine can compenstate for. Your deadband error should be set to whatever your psi error max was on your compensation map.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:33 pm
by z31
Your dead tells closeloop when to start working. E.g. 1.5psi, target 10psi, Closeloop will work at 8.5psi. Then you are undershooting at he will start to increase duty. That way you don't want closeloop undershoot to work to fast This is what mine looks like for reference: Image This is an example of the routine, say you undershoot so will the routine. So say my target is 10psi and I undershoot it and hits 9.2psi. The error will be -.8psi which will be looked up in my compensation maps under the -.8 so .5%dc. Now this will not hit target so it'll raise this until I run out of max adjustment range on my Settings page. So it'll look like this .5%-miss target, 1%+.5% miss, 2%+5% etc etc until you hit your target or run out of adjustment (in which case you raise your Correction P). Raising your P will cause the closeloop to get to target faster. But you can overshoot too. Sensitivity adjust how fast this all works. You'll see this happening in your datalog graphs under the ebc duty vs ebc base duty(closeloop working) and ebc target vs ebc current(to see under/overshoot), but you'd have to set this up yourself. I hope this clears up some mystery about the closedloop routine and helps you to understand it a little better. Any questions, gripes, or comments? Just let me know.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:03 pm
by nate
Thank you!

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:17 am
by rschoener
Good write up. I will use this and try out the closed loop boost control. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:27 pm
by z31
I was just hoping that how I worded everything didn't confuse anyone. I tried to make it the simplest explanation possible.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:27 am
by calvin
I have EBC graph template: Graph1: Rpm/TPS Graph2: Ebc active/Boost/boostcut active Graph3: Ebc duty/Ebc Base duty Graph4: Ebc Target/Ebc Current Ebc Duty= base duty lookup table+Closeloop comp+Rpm Comp+Iat Comp

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:15 pm
by xjdmjunkiex
How much at a time should I increase the correction p number?