v - update SCC input value MIL light on(check mode) -If old is 0x80 set to 0x00(input none), tps koeo always on - X - datalogger version check(k4knrg) - X -Logger version open calibration - X -Logger version view/play with parameters - X - single/double click column header bug(greasemonkee) - X - check if live graph reseizing(greasemonkee) - X - snapshot bug(civic_tsi) - X - end of log file graph bug(brain marshall) - X - secondary map invert checkbox secondary map switch paramaters didn't show on first load (nicolas) - X - moved overflow msg out of logging routine(brain)/different thread - X - removed IAB support p72 EBC(not working)(calvin) - X - validation GPO adjustments(civic_tsi)(validation work since 0.0.54 you can substract fuel) -X - copy paste bug(ervin) - X - rpm scalar max limit of 11050, value bigger then max is max(burgermass) - X - high boost invert checkbox(civic_tsi), all invert checkbox problems fixed - X - Invert input checkbox status isn't save. It always comeback unchecked(sec maps)(sypnotic) - X - insert row last row bug(hackish) - X - XY interpolate check, table/grid window button (burgermass) - X - removed IAB support p72 EBC(not working)(calvin) - X - datalogger version JIT error tuner options(car wants to die)(going to tuner options)- X - bug with version detection force update - X - Live graph reseize problem(robin van keeken)-X (reseizing graph/moving table/graph seperator messed up graph) Stappen: - eCtune opstarten - Log-file laden of aankoppelen aan ECU - Grafiek aanzetten - Show/hide graphs (shift F4) - De scheidingsbalk verschuiven waarmee je de tabellen groter maakt en de grafiek kleiner. - Grafiek kan er zo uit komen zien als in bijlage. - logging problm(no problem/bug) log with car on.. turn car off(timeout should appear) click connect(to disable auto reconnect) turn car on try to log(connect) again?
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world. r1 - rom 0.0.59 -Fixed ign cylinder bug -X -New safer/faster ISR - X - rom 0.0.60 -Fixed ign cylinder bug -X -Tipout settings - X -New safer/faster ISR - X -Debug IGN spike(civic_tsi, burgermass) - fixed -was visual only mem for display fnl got overwritten.. -ICM error only disable with IGN cut - X -Bug that fuelcut didn't go to 0 FV -X - Bug rpm vs tps fuel cut table not showing after 61 update - X - Rev limiter settings disable all ecu limiters - X - peak boost value not working(burgermass/gaskleppie) - X - peak value prase rouding(civic_tsi) - X - icon for condition recording enable(calvin) - x - Delete column doesn't work as it should. It does delete the column but it also add a column at the end with the max load(1,Civic_tsi), so when you have 24 columns and want to add a column in the vacuum portion, you can't unless you copy& paste everything yourself 1 column to the right. - X - Insert column messes up the table if you already have 24 columns in your table.(2,civic_tsi) - X - TPS-Tip-in Trim window: All fields in the window cause an IIE error.(JaredKaragen) - X - Service Check Connector: - \"Custom Lock\" field gives an IIE Error.(JaredKaragen) - X - \"TPS Tip-in fuel corrections\" section of the settings pane; all 3 fields cause an error/crash(JaredKaragen) - X - Fuelcut disable checkbox(JaredKaragen) -X - graph fuel value min max adj(cj) - X - graph injector duration value min/max(cj) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world. r2 - rom 0.0.61 -Fixed ign cylinder bug -X -Park input removed from vtec routine(calvin) - X -Fuelcut settings replaced load value cut off table replaced with one fixed value(calvin) - X -ICM error only disable with IGN cut - X -Tipout mimumum rpm(cj) -X -ICM error only disable with IGN cut - X -IAC duty adjust when AC on(FAH) - X -Debug IGN spike(civic_tsi, burgermass) - X -Note: was visual only mem for display fnl got overwritten.. -Bug that fuelcut didn't go to 0 FV -X -Test MBC output and routine(burgermass,nick) - X - graph fuel value min max adj(cj) - X - graph injector duration value min/max(cj) - X - Adjustable Led display every bool value can be on display(timdogg,cj,burgermass,civic_Tsi)-X - 3 Extra overlays with any sensor input(cj,burgermass,allan) - X -Min/Max/Avg/Last Sample - X -Conditions for logging- X -Coloring of cells - X - Special sensors - X(tuner only) EGT 1-4 - X EGT Avg - X Backpressure - X Fuelpressure - X Extra IAT - X - license based datadisplay - X - Bug with Plot start & Plot end div by zero(thomas) - X - graph display boost value bug - X - Slect wrong emulator and press auto-scan, cont loop 50% cpu(nick) - check if port exist before auto-scan - X - After map copy ask load/map scalar copy(frank) - X - led display only update if value changed(calvin) - X - vtec min load use mapvalue control(calvin) - X - overflow rpm rows - X - LS highcam only map checkbox and disable vtec(timdog) - X - closeloop min/max in mutliplier mode(dave) - X - peak button didn't work(burgermass) - X - battery voltage display peak value is always 0, use min value(civic_tsi) -X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world. r3 - rom 0.0.62 -Patch for scalar loverflow(when adjustable rpm/map scalars)(98vtec,cj,brianMarshall)- -Value less then column[0] -X -Value greater then column[Last] -anti-lag enable/disable input selector to prevent bogging(burgermass) - X -Fixed ign cylinder bug -X -Clean up rev routine - X -Fuelcut min rpm - X -Fuelcut restore rpm - X - fuelcut if u rev to 2000 rpm at idle(cj,sypontic) - FIXED, Tested by Nick -Clrb 23dh - X -Bug that fuelcut didn't go to 0 FV -X -Disable Fuelcut for tipout tuning(cj, burgermass) - X - Insert column only copy one map(civic_tsi)-X - upload rom on connect,setting(civic4g) - X - anti-lag checkbox - X - map trace didn't make a differance between secondary and primary maps(cj) - X - copy maps + scalars bug(cj) - X - tipout rpm not saving(miller) - - control map sensor tab use(cj) - X - Min fuelcut value for roms(250mbar) - X - NA scalar finish(burgermass) - X - don't clear peak values on reconnect(hackish) - X - fuelcut mBar upgrade to 250mbar - X - check if vss peak is saving in correct unit(mafdark) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
v - delta rpm/vss minimal log - X - overlay icons(nate) - X - column insert/delte icons(nate) - X - overlay text drop down menu(cj) - X -no text if item is disabled - X - alpha-n scalar setup(frank) -X - injector offset + and - value, injector cal tool - X - test basemap creator injector size, injector cal tool - X -Validation that injector size is not 0(basemap creator) - X -validation injector calibration parameter - X -validation injector calibration tool - X - tab order alph-n scalar setup(cj) - X - fuelcut mBar upgrade to 200mbar - X - clear settings folder on webupdate/force update(user profile) - X - bug fuelcut not saving with cal file - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
v r5 - fuel reload after save(cj)- X - Force ICM error disable(cj, rstech) - X -Used for ICM replacement box - X - Load value for gear corrections(civic_Tsi) - X - settings bug 1(road xy) -X Start eCtune hit settings click tab emulator comm click tab datalogging comm Has to be in this order - Setting bug 2(road xy) - X Wideband tab afr/lambda radio button - Clear Selected Cells afr overlay(civic_4g) - X - parse log on load(civic_tsi) - X -afr overlay - X -custom overlay - X - expection save markers - X an exception that the marker is out of range(civic_tsi) - ??? Record a log, then move the marker anywhere in the graph and start recording another log. Steps: Connect datalogging Start Recording Stop Recording (let say 30s) Open Recording Move marker somewhere in the graph Start recording again - Disable f7/f8 when VE tables active(allan/nick) - X - In the boostcut settings, the frame around the boost cut parameter should include the Enable Boost Cut checkbox, because it could be confusing that the temperature vs boostcut is only for the DTC(nick) - X - 4 bar omni/honda/xenocron value(cj) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world. r7 -Rom 0.0.62 -Fuelcut map fix/closeloop -Rom 0.0.63 -Fuelcut map fix/closeloop -rom 0.0.64 - table for fuelcut(tuner only)(burgermass) - - A11 egr backwards(allan) -X add up grade to rom loader -X - 12c ect switch make car to rich(ervin) -Restore stock code to decrease ECT corr when postfuel > 3000h - X -min ect for long term closeloop correction -X -Add code for min ect for closeloop correction - -closeloop not working above 2k rpm(frank) -X - DEMON -Demon dataloging protocol(simple) - -Demon dataloging protocol(advance) - -Demon emulator protocol -X -Demon baud selector -Internal use only - -Demon frame amount datalog(advance) - -Demon stop on emulator request - -UI update settings for demon -X - settings farh/celcuis switch crash bug(civic_4g) -X - boostcut checkbox not working(frank) - X - sensor pane bug, clicking on column header(civic4g) - X - multiplier mode new rom overall fuel trim 0 should be 1(xenocron) - X - conditional datalog on menu(forum requrest) - X - 2nd column max map value(xenocron)-> Correct working - X don't change to higher then right or lower then left - X - disable ICM checkbox(cj/frank) - X - disable ICM checkbox sensor options(cj/frank)- X - tranny selection with basemap creater(civic_Tsi) - X - Smart-tracking for PRO version(ectune product compare matrix) - X - min ect for long term closeloop correction - X - FJO wideband serial logging(civic_tsi) - - Clear all usb comm port from laptop(2kCivicSi) -
rom 64 will be released after testing. FJO serial not finished/tested yet. Within a few days you can expect r8
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
- -rom 0.0.64 - table for fuelcut(tuner only)(burgermass) - - A11 egr backwards(allan) -X add up grade to rom loader -X -min ect for long term closeloop correction -X -Add code for min ect for closeloop correction - -closeloop not working above 2k rpm(frank) - X -closeloop showing 1.02/2% correction during disable - -Fuelcut min tps patch - X -GPO multiplier(burgermass) - DEMON -Demon dataloging protocol(simple) - -Demon dataloging protocol(advance) - -Demon emulator protocol -X -Demon baud selector -Internal use only - -Demon frame amount datalog(advance) - -Demon stop on emulator request - -UI update settings for demon -X -Direct serial logging -PLX -X -AEM -X -TE -X -Zeitronix -X -FJO -X - Innovate serial logging bug - X - Conditional logging folder bug - X - fts input grey-out bug(boostedeh2) - X - burnout input grey-out bug() -Updated input control - X - RPM lunch control validation bug - No bug found - load type in datalogging grid(cj) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
- - Bug with Get Rom from Ostrich 1(IMPORTANT) - X - wideband port not saving(timdogg) - X - validation settings screen(crx303) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
- r0 - Tuner ver check load create basemap in PRO - X - analog 1 sensor bug Pro version(jaredKaren) - X - update UI for new injector multiplier system - X - disable FV for rom 64 new fueling - X - Bug fts gear based entry(sj_performance) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world. r1 Demon: - Demon RPT - X - Demon Datalogging - X - Demon Serial PRO - atl vtec output a20(burgermass) - working - X - peak value boost display if not in boost it doesn't show peak label(cj/burgermass) - X - different AFR on export to csv(afr variable)(sean) - X - CVS export afr(sean)- X - +/- fuel value buttons overall adjust in 64 rom in injector calibration(frank/cj/burgermass) - X - +/- fuel value buttons overall adjust in 64 rom at shortcut buttons(frank/cj/burgermass) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
rom 0063 burnout control fix - Bug with ostrich 1 get rom(blake) - X - Peak boost labels(hackish) - X - bug map sensor selected index(cj)(index out of range -2)-X - condition logging inputs and folder- X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world. r2 6/6/2009 PRO Test release - Rom -BAD - Rom -fuelcut misc items - X -Burnout bug - X -Fuelcut bug - X - Rom -Cylinder ign bug - X -Cylinder fuel bug - X -Alpha-n max tps max mbar patch - X Demon: - Direct FTDI - serial PRO demon - X - Bug with ostrich 1 get rom(blake) - X - Peak boost labels(hackish) - X - bug map sensor selected index(cj)(index out of range -2)-X - condition logging input and folder- X - GPO fuel value display wrong(wolve) - X - datalogging link after emulator pull/demon(burgermass) - X - save as bin always tuner version(burgermass) - X - bug with demon DT use emu port(xenocron/nick) - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world. r3 6/12/2009 PRO Test release - Rom -BAD - Rom -fuelcut misc items - X -Burnout bug - X -Fuelcut bug - X - Rom -Cylinder ign bug - X -Cylinder fuel bug - X -Alpha-n max tps max mbar patch - X Demon: - Direct FTDI - serial PRO demon - X - Alpha-n scalar edit tps % bug(Big3racing)- X 6/11/2009 - max map value default alpha-n change to preven overlow bug(cj) - X 6/11/2009 - cylinder fuel trim label bug(burgermass/engine sim) - X 6/8/2009 - cylinder ign trim label bug(burgermass/engine sim) - X 6/8/2009 -Auto update bug fix - X - Setting screen std div - X
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.