Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
blundar wrote:Bug #2: 1. Key on 2. Datalog.. Connect (works fine) 3. Key off 4. Datalogging still says connected, but no data comes. 5. Key on 6. Dataloggins still says connected, but no data comes. The bug appears to be the datalogging connection getting stuck. If you click Datalog..Disconnect then Datalog.connect, it will start working again.
Having this exact problem with the Force Update version r7. If you click test in eCtune Settings menu an error message apears (see attached pic). After that Connection works normal again. Shutting down and restarting eCtune also does the trick.
fixed in> which will be released really soon
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
very very weird what version were u using before r7?
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.
When using r7 I used to always key-on/off. I usually stop for gas and just leave it running (the program not the car), it would always just reconnect automatically, no problems at all.
Actually, what I meant to say was I've never had that problem with any of the revisions. I was at work when I made that first post, just thought I'd clarify.
well code wise nothing at all change just the exp date. So i would say laptop/related. Try a clean install
Regards, eCtune Team eCtune Authorized Tuner Location: Caribbean & Suriname aim:calvinPGMFI skype:ectune We remote connect to your laptop if you have problems. Best support in the world.